Understanding the Cost of As-Built Drawings: Factors that Impact Pricing

Factors that Impact Pricing

In this article, we will briefly introduce as-builts, explore their fees, and the variables that affect their pricing. We will answer the most common questions including what they should include, how much they cost, and why it is essential to choose an experienced and professional service provider. If you are planning a reconstruction project and need accurate as-built drawings, then this article is for you.


How much do As-Built Drawings cost?

Are you planning a renovation, reconstruction, or addition to your building? For that, and many more reasons you will need accurate and detailed as-built drawings to guide you. As-built drawings are the updated plans of a building, showing the representation of existing building conditions that people have. They are essential for making informed decisions about your construction project and ensuring that the result meets your expectations.

However, many people wonder about the cost of as-builts and whether it is worth trying to save money on this important documentation. The truth is that it varies depending on many factors, and there is no fixed cost for this service.

The average price ranges from $0.5 to $3 per square foot, depending on the size, complexity, and technology used during the scanning.

But how is the price formed, and what factors affect the cost of as-built drawings?


What should as-built plans include?

When it comes to any architectural or design project, accurate documentation is critical for ensuring that the project is completed successfully. As-builts are an essential part of this documentation process, providing a detailed representation of the structure or space that has been built. As-builts should include an accurate representation of existing layouts and sizes, including but not limited to walls, doors, windows, stairs, and floor sizes, as well as ceilings, and floor height changes.

as-built plans include

At Alterpex, we understand your needs and charge only for what is important in a project. Our drawings typically include floor and roof plans, elevations, sections, and details that are in your area of interest and are clearly labeled and easy to read. Our team of experts uses the latest technology and techniques to collect accurate data on-site, ensuring that the final product is both comprehensive and reliable.

One of the key features of our as-builts is that they provide a clear picture of the existing conditions of a building, including all mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems when needed. This is especially important for renovations or remodels, as it helps to ensure that new work can be seamlessly integrated with existing systems. Additionally, our set of documentation includes information on materials, finishes, and other details that are needed for maintaining the structure over time.

These important drawings play a critical role in the success of any architectural or design project. By providing a detailed and accurate representation of the existing conditions of a building or space, they help to ensure that the construction team has the information they need to complete the project on time and within budget. If you would like to know more detailed information about these sets of documentation check out our article on What are As-Built Drawings?


How much do typical as-builts cost?

Cost of as-built services

The cost of as-built services is highly variable and depends on various factors.

As mentioned previously, the price may range anywhere from $0.5/SqFt to $3/SqFt. However, the final price depends on the size, complexity, scope of work, location, and other factors. In general, a standard as-built drawing should include the existing conditions of the building and property, including walls, floors, doors, windows, ceilings, and other architectural and structural elements.

Residential building

The overall cost can also depend on the type of project.

For example, a smaller residential building that will need a bigger set of plans and drawings might cost more than a larger-scale building that doesn't need be that detailed.

Cost of As-Built Drawings

In addition to the size and complexity of the project, the cost of as-builts can also depend on the level of detail required.

For example, if the client requires a high level of detail, such as detailed mechanical, electrical, plumbing (MEP), and reflected ceiling plans, the cost may increase. The level of detail required may also depend on the purpose of the drawings. If they are required for a renovation or construction project, a higher level of detailing may be necessary. At the same time, if the building is going into the demolition stage, highly detailed drawings won’t be required since elements will be removed.

3D model house

Another important factor that affects the cost is the technology used for scanning and data collection.

For instance, the selection of the best HD cameras with LiDAR or SLAM systems can significantly impact the price. Taking into account the entire project cost, even though on estimate LiDAR scanning can look cheaper, in real life SLAM scanning can cost less due to much faster scanning and less time on site. SLAM systems typically provide faster scanning because of their ability to capture data from multiple sources at the same time. It's important to note that the cost shouldn't be the only factor in the decision-making process. While it may be tempting to choose a lower-cost provider, it's essential to prioritize quality work from experienced professionals with the appropriate equipment and skills.

In the end, it is important to understand that the cost of as-built services can vary significantly based on a range of factors.

While it may be tempting to choose a lower-cost provider, it is important to remember that quality work requires experienced professionals with the appropriate equipment and skills. In the next section, we will explore the variables in the pricing matrix for as-built drawings.

As-Built Calculator

The calculator was designed to produce a cost estimate as close to the actual price as possible, please reach out to us to get confirmation or if you have any questions.


What are the variables in the pricing matrix?

As previously mentioned in this article, the pricing of as-built drawings is dependent on the size of a project, the technology used to obtain details on the buildings, and the level of detail set by the client. These variables can greatly impact the cost of the project, making it difficult to determine a fixed price for the service. The price of the project is often determined by the size and complexity of the structure. Larger and more complicated structures will require more time and effort to complete the project, which can result in a higher price.

The location of the project

Another variable in the pricing matrix is the location of the project.

Different states and regions may have different pricing standards, which can influence the overall cost of the project. In addition to this, if there is no as-built service provider in your area, you may hire specialists from the closest available option which may include an extra cost for the commute. Usually, as-built companies are willing to drive to the project, or they may have an available specialist in your location of interest.

The type of structure

The type of structure can also play a role in determining the cost of the project.

Different types of buildings, such as commercial or residential, can require different levels of detail. For example, while residential houses are all different, the hotels are bigger and take more time to measure, but since the mirroring layout and repetition are present in these types of businesses, the as-built preparation can be done faster.

as-built drawing

Furthermore, the purpose of the as-built drawing can also impact the pricing matrix.

 If the drawing is needed for future construction or renovations it may require a higher level of accuracy and detail, resulting in a higher price. If the drawing is only needed for record-keeping purposes or demolition, it may not require as much detail, resulting in a lower price.


Is it worth choosing a lower price?

When it comes to as-builts, it's not uncommon for customers to want to choose the lowest possible price. However, it's important to understand your needs as a client and understand that choosing a lower price might save you money in the short term, but it can end up being more costly in the long run. Creating accurate and detailed drawings requires the expertise of qualified specialists with the right equipment to ensure that the project is completed to the highest standard. Poor-quality work can result in errors or inaccuracies, which could cause problems in the future, however, if you just need a simple floor plan layout and the accurate dimensions don’t play a big role, similar to real estate listing, then more affordable options would make more sense.

A comparison can be made to show how different types of on-site measurements can impact the cost, as potential clients tend to search for cheaper services.

Residential house

For instance, measuring a typical 2,500 SF residential house with tape and laser would take around 6-8 hours and cost roughly $480 at a rate of $60/hour. Alternatively, LiDAR cameras can provide more complex measurements, costing approximately $700, but also provide a point cloud with all the data that can be used later on. On the other hand, SLAM technology is a cost-effective and high-quality option, which typically costs around $600 and takes only one hour on-site due to its superior technology. It's always recommended to use newer HD scanners because of the benefits that visual references bring to the team working on the project. While prioritizing cost may be tempting, it's important to consider the benefits of advanced technologies and the overall quality of work when selecting a service provider.

It is important to understand your needs and get quotes from a couple of companies, and discuss how your requirements will be met. Always choose a company that can answer your questions and can meet your expectations in terms of price, list of plans, and turnaround time. Our company provides various types of drawings at various costs. It is recommended to go over our price list on our website or if you would like a custom set of plans you can complete a Form to get the approximate pricing.

Ultimately, the cost of as-built drawings should be viewed as an investment in the future. Accurate and detailed drawings can help prevent errors and delays in future construction projects, saving you time and money in the long run. As such, it's essential to choose a qualified and experienced provider who can offer high-quality service and a digital copy of your project for future changes and improvements.

In conclusion, as-built drawings are an essential part of the construction and renovation process. They provide accurate and comprehensive documentation of existing structures and are often necessary for obtaining building permits, planning renovations, and ensuring compliance with local code regulations. While the cost of as-builts varies depending on several factors, it is important to remember that it is a multi-purpose set of plans that can be used again and again over time. Choosing the lowest price may result in poor-quality work that can lead to costly mistakes down the road. It is important to hire qualified specialists and contractors who will discuss your needs beforehand to make sure all the needed items are represented in the final deliverable with high quality and accuracy. By understanding the importance of as-built drawings and the factors that affect their cost, you can make informed decisions and ensure that your construction and renovation projects are successful.

At Alterpex, our ultimate goal is to provide our clients with the highest-quality as-built experience possible. We take great pride in delivering plans that fully meet our client's needs and expectations. If you require further information or have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our office. Our team would be more than happy to assist you in any way possible. You can find our contact information on our website's Contact Us page.


Visualizing Style and Potential


What Are As-Built Drawings?